Candle Containers from Resin

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  • Author
    • #88873
      Paul Chapple

      Hi everyone,
      Ive been buying glass and tin candle containers for my hand made candles, but the variety is boring and lack imagination with color. Im considering using a resin pour, with opaque metal color, to create a hand made look. BUT, is it safe to use a resin pour container as a candle jar, and is there a most suitable resin to use?

      Any guidance you can offer would be greatly appreciated!

    • #88876
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Paul,

      Unfortunately, resin is unsuitable for a project like this. It cannot withstand the heat of a direct flame.

    • #91530

      I want to pour clear resin into a glass, then put a votive glass candle into the resin. Then add some dried flowers to the resin between the outer glass and the glass of the votive. Can you give me any suggestions. Thank you in advance! 😘

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