Best gloves to wear


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    • #2080


      I think I may have had a slight reaction to the epoxy resin as I have a bit of an itchy rash on my wrist. This is after about 6 months I have been using resin now, just casually not all day every day. I know you can develop sensitivity so I always wear gloves but I am just wondering what the best kind to wear are. At the moment I have been alternating between disposable latex gloves (have heard the resin can permeate through??) and longer reusable washing up gloves that get messy very quickly which makes me think disposable gloves may be better. 
      What is the best/safest type of gloves to use??
      Ta, Sally
    • #2081
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Sally,

      I like to use nitrile gloves.  The nitrile gloves we sell on resinobsession are also approved for use for medical personnel when administering chemotherapeutic agents.  (meaning they are not very permeable to chemicals)   

      In general, I dont like to use latex gloves because sometimes latex can inhibit curing (mostly with silicones), and it is also more permeable than nitrile.

      I also wonder if youre having a reaction to the latex instead of the resin?

    • #2082

      i had the exact same problem this year.  id been using a few different brands of resin on and off for the past couple years and never had any problems.  (my first mistake was rarely, if ever, wearing gloves.)  then, after one bigger project, i accidentally spilled a couple drops on the leg of my pants and got a little on one arm and wasnt very careful about cleaning the resin cup, so got some on the back of my hands.  for the next three weeks, i had a very itchy rash (contact dermatitis) on the back of my fingers and hands, all the way down my arms, on my leg (where the resin spilled), on my neck, on my ears, and on the sides of my face.  (i mustve pushed hair away from my face/neck and accidentally touched my skin then.)

      the last time i used resin, i decided to wear latex gloves because they would cover more of my arm.  and i wish i would have known about latex potentially changing the ability of my resin to cure, because every project i made that day is mushy and most of them wont come out of the molds.  (and i had a skin reaction to boot.)  so thanks for that comment- i wont be using the latex gloves again… nitrile all the way, and long-sleevedshirts just in case.

    • #85182
      Katherine Swift

      You can get safety gloves for resin in our store here:

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