Using a ceramic mold for resin

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  • Author
    • #3829
      Katherine Swift

      This question comes through email by William:

      so i’m a year 12 student doing my final art project. The materials i am using for the mold is ceramic, so i’m wondering will the epoxy remain intact with the ceramic or will it chip away?? If it does stick, should I use the mold release/ conditioner??!!!

    • #3830
      Katherine Swift

      Hi William,

      The mixed resin is going to stick to the ceramic/clay surface. Even if a mold release was applied to keep the resin from sticking, I doubt you will be able to get the resin out since the clay isn’t flexible like a plastic mold. You need to be able to pull or twist the mold to get it to separate from the resin in order to demold it.

      My best suggestion is to get a brush on silicone molding material (we don’t sell anything like that) and brush that over the surface of your ceramic template. You can then use that as the mold (with the proper supports) for your resin.

    • #15426
      Mary Kerran

      I have made clay dragons on a Geode. They are painted. Could I use resin to keep them from breaking off the amethyst Geode?

      • #15432
        Katherine Swift

        Resin should work well as a glue in this case.

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