Search Results for 'essential oil'

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  • #956
    Katherine Swift


    Im not a jewelry maker so this may be out of your area of expertise but if you have time to read this email, Id be very grateful.

    Let me first explain my craft project and tell you that Ive never tried it.  I have several old multi-pane windows like this image:

    This may be somewhat misleading since the clear panes on this image have been replaced with mirrors. My project uses normal single pane clear glass.

    I will lay my old window on a level (horizontal) surface, distribute various thin craft materials (probably none over 1/8th inch)  such as beach glass, and clear broken glass in most, if not all, of the separate panes. Then I will seal them with a liquid plastic to just cover the craft material(s).


    The product I bought may not be a “resin”!  I bought EasyCast Epoxy because it requires a 50/50 mixture; I worried about using the correct amount of hardener in what I understand to be a true “resin”. Is there a significant difference in the final result between these 2 products?

    (        )   Yes, they are very different in the final form.
    (       ) No they are essential the same in the final form.


    For my project, please tell me if either is better for outdoor use: _________


    I saw one of your YouTube Vids. about removing bubbles. Here is your URL for many more of your YouTube Vids:

    Would you recommend 2 or 3 that would be helpful in making my pour?


    Thank you for your time and trouble. If you have any other important caveats you think I should consider, please send them to me

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