Adding stripes to metal with resin

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  • Author
    • #10788
      Katherine Swift

      This question comes from Abby:

      I was wondering if you had any tips on how to stripe a curved surface with resin over metal. For instance if you had metal hoop earrings and you wanted to add resin stripes around the hoops.

    • #10789
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Abby,

      This is going to be a tough one! Resin does not like to stay on a curved surface, so know this is going to be anywhere from a challenging to frustrating project.

      First, you will want to start with a doming resin. These mix thick enough that they want to stay on a flat surface and not run over the side. We have several in our store:

      Next, I would suggest mixing the resin, then letting it sit for longer than you ordinarily would before applying. The thicker it gets before application, the more likely it is to stay on the surface. The problem with this is that if you introduce air bubbles at this point, you are less likely to get them out.

      Please know too that the resin will blend at the edges. i.e. You are not going to have clearly defined lines between the colors.

      Good luck and let us know how it goes!

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