Creating a 3D resin shape with etching inside

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    • #32954

      Hi all,
      I’m trying to create an effect where there is an etched silhouette in the center of a 3D epoxy resin cast, like this:

      I am not sure how to achieve this look. I considered making the two halves separately and laser etching one half and somehow sticking the two halves together, but I don’t believe epoxy resin can/should be laser etched. (Also, not sure how I would stick the halves together). Perhaps create a separate casting of the silhouette shape and float it in the 3D cast? Please let me know if you guys have any ideas 🙂

    • #32955

      A follow-up question:

      If I pour epoxy resin into a mold half way, let it cure, and finish the pour later to fill the mold, will the seam line be visible in the final product? Thanks!

    • #33030
      Katherine Swift

      Yes, I would create a casting of the skull, then cast it in the 3D gem. I have never tried etching resin, but I worry it may melt.

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