hot resin

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  • Author
    • #14151
      Billy Jo

      I was trying to make some wood pendants and the resin got extremely hot and
      a bunch of bubbles started coming up out of the wood. Melted the silicone mold also. tough day!

    • #14153
      Katherine Swift

      Ugh! It sounds like you mixed too much at once.

    • #14156
      Billy Jo

      what time interval do I have to wait in order not to make this mistake again. I understand to only pour 1/8 inch each time. thank you Katherine

      • #14168
        Katherine Swift

        It depends on the resin. Each resin has its own minimum and maximum mixing amount. The manufacturer for the resin you are using should be able to give you that information.

    • #14289

      I used to buy my 50/50 resin in two five gallon buckets (part A, part B) and mixed about a pint at a time. The amount was a problem only once, when I was learning to use it. I let it set too long while fussing with the items I was pouring over, and it started heating. My table was covered in plastic and I just poured the mix over the table top.

      After that, I still mixed batches large enough to cover posters and prints, but I got ALL set up, mixed and poured within three to five minutes.

      If I was doing, say, five pictures, I emptied the mix cup on however many it would cover, then went to spreading, rather than allowing the concentrated mix to heat in the cup. That gave me a bit more valuable work time.

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