How can I fill empty space in a box so I dont use so much resin?

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  • Author
    • #82268
      marino a dalessandro

      So Im making some 3d art in a 12×12 box and I need to build up a pretty deep layer before I can start painting to give the required effect. Is there anything I can use that will give me the same clear effect of resin without having to buy 64oz of resin just to get a suitable base? I tried plexglass but the edges show up in the resin, any other cheaper material I can use?

    • #82269
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Marino,

      I’m afraid whatever you use is going to show a seam.

      • #82270
        marino a dalessandro

        What about clear latex?

        • #82278
          Katherine Swift

          You can use that, but you are still going to see a line.

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