How can I keep resin from pulling away from glass jars?

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    • #65215

      I have a product that I sell on my etsy store which is basically a small jar filled with resin. The issue I’m having is that sometimes the resin will pull away from part of the glass wall causing air pockets that look very ugly and render the product unsellable. I have had entire batches effected by this and I have no idea what could be causing it. It seems random but there must be something I’m doing. Sometimes the resin will cure fine and the resin will pull away from the jar a day or two later. It’s SO annoying please help!!

      I use Envirotex Lite most of the time.

    • #65513
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Nemo, resin and glass expand and contract at different rates from each other, especially if the resin heats up quickly. You should try a slower curing resin.

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