PR not sticking to wood..

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    • #16170
      Andy Mauger

      just a mini (with a possibly varied answer) question:

      Poly resin: Did a small pour just to test, 50ml (with 1ml catalyst) into a mould with a small piece or Jarrah Burr wood.

      The PR didn’t stick at all to the wood..! Just wondering if you have any ideas why this would happen..?

      Only things I can think of: Not mixed properly, or the wood wasn’t “dry..”

      The PR seemed cured, but when it broke apart, the area touching the wood was still very tacky… I had left it alone for around 36 hours…

      Cheers in advance.

    • #16171
      Andy Mauger

      I should have added that I am using Water Clear Casting Resin, and that I added a tiny bit of mica powder.

    • #16173
      Katherine Swift

      Polyester resin does not work well with wood. While it usually cures as expected, the shrink is too much and it pulls away from the wood.

    • #16184
      Andy Mauger

      Ahh, that makes perfect sense now 😉 Thanks.

      Out of curiosity, would that still apply if the piece of wood was fully embedded in the resin?

      Again, many thanks,


      • #16187
        Katherine Swift

        Yes, it would. While the wood wouldn’t pull away from the resin, you would likely see an air line.

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