Sizing a resin ring

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  • Author
    • #5262
      Katherine Swift

      This question comes through email from Renee:


      I have a resin ring that is too small and I would be absolutely delighted if there was a way that I could make it bigger to fit! (The ring is for my mother and her knuckles, courtesy of arthritis, arent an easy size to fit rings over). Would you recommend sanding, or a join or something to make it bigger?
      Thankyou for your help!

    • #5263
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Renee,

      Unfortunately, there aren’t any good options to resize resin rings. They aren’t like metal rings (gold, silver, etc.) that can be cut and recast or resoldered. If you are lucky, the shank part of the ring is very thick. You could then try to sand the inside to make the hole larger for a finger. This would only work if you need to go up a quarter to half a size.

    • #5268

      Thanks for your help. What would you recommend using to send it? Are very fine grade file? Thanks again.

    • #5271
      Katherine Swift

      If I were going to try this, I would use sandpaper on a stick sander. It would help prevent flat spots and is generally a little easier ergonomically. I would probably try a 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper to start, then work my way down to a 1000 grit to remove any rough marks.

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