Double mixing resin

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    • #14308

      I hope I’m posting this under the right topic.
      Why do resin instructions say to mix in one cup, then pour in a second cup and mix again?
      Is that entirely necessary? It wasn’t with a previous resin I had, but I tossed it because I had it forever and one bottle was turning yellow. Then I bought a different brand because it came in smaller quantities.
      Also, what is the smallest quantity anyone has mixed and turned out well?

    • #14330
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Dani,

      Some manufacturers recommend the mixing in two cups because many people won’t do a thorough job mixing. They don’t scrape the sides of their cup well, but will scrape this resin out at the end to go into their mold, bezel, etc. This resin is minimally mixed, so it will cure sticky if at all. The way to avoid this is to pour the mixed resin in a second cup where it is less likely you will have unmixed resin on the side of your cup.

      As for the smallest quantity of resin you can mix, that’s a great question! It actually varies from resin to resin. The specific manufacturer should be able to tell you this. For the resins we sell on Resin Obsession ( ), you can find it in the PDF on this page:

    • #14335

      Ok thank you, that makes sense. I always thoroughly mix mine so seemed overkill to dirty a second container. I experimented and actually got good results from mixing about 1/8 teaspoon amounts of the envirotex jewelry resin I’m currently using. I don’t make a lot of resin stuff yet, so have only tried 2 different resins, like both, but went back to the one cause it comes in smaller quantities.

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