How to make frosted resin

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  • Author
    • #4976
      Katherine Swift

      This question comes through email by Suzette:

      Good afternoon!

      I bought a few things materials and molds to begin making resin jewelry and I am beyond nervous. Thank goodness for your website!!!

      So here’s a question for you. I would like to create a frosted look but have no idea what is required to do so. Can you please explain what materials are needed and if the process is different from making clear jewelry pieces?

    • #4977
      Katherine Swift

      Hi Suzette,

      The easiest way to make a frosted look would be to sand your pieces with wet/dry sandpaper once they are finished curing. I would suggest something in the 600 to 800 grit range. It will ‘frost’ the surface while still allowing you to see what’s underneath, colors are otherwise. Perhaps you have a couple of resin mistakes you can practice on first. 🙂

    • #85436
      Katherine Swift
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