What Happens When You Put Cookies In Resin?

Slowing down to look at the results of putting cookies in resin is my version of watching a trainwreck.

And I get why you want to watch it too.

Why waste your epoxy when you can benefit from someone else’s misfortune? Let me show you what I did. Then, you can decide if cookies in resin will work for you.

I’ve been a resin artist for 17 years, and there are two reasons why I’ve never tried using cookies in resin until now.

1. While I’m all for experimenting with resin, dunking a delicious cookie in epoxy is not one of them. (Especially if the cookie is from here.)
2. Quite frankly, I don’t have enough self-control not to eat the cookie first.

But, my curiosity got the best of me.

Experiment design

I started with dry, crumbly, no-flavor cookies. The ones I only buy when I’m hangry and immediately regret because I don’t have a glass of cold milk. That made it easy to get the cookies home without eating them. Then, I set them aside for a day when I had leftover resin.

This day, I had some extra super clear epoxy, so I tried cookies in resin in two ways:

1. I filled half of a dome mold with resin and two mini cookies.
2. I put two more cookies on a silicone mold and poured a coat of clear epoxy over the surface.

bubble eyes in epoxy

Please tell me I’m not the only one who sees eyes looking back at me.

Phase 1 results

cookies and crumbs in resin

The cookies that went directly into the mold made crumbs and bubbles.

Look at that big honker over the cookie on the left.

The cookies released bubbles like adding wood to resin. If you don’t seal the wood first, it releases bubbles into the fluid resin.

The resin also had an oily feel to the cured surface. Kinda weird.

The cookies with a coat of resin cured.

cookies with clear epoxy coating

Although, it didn’t leave a glossy finish on the cookies and pooled around the side.

So then I thought, what if I use these cookies in another resin casting? Will the resin cure clearer?

Since the two cookies glued together, they would not fit into the half-dome side of the mold. So I bent the resin to make it fit.

breaking cookie

File this under GOOD TO KNOW: The super clear resin cures so hard that it snaps a cookie instead of bending.

cut epoxy

I had to use a jeweler’s saw to cut the two cookies apart. Because I was lazy, For the sake of time, I did not use the saw to cut away the excess resin. I wish I had. (more on that in a minute). Then I put the two cut pieces into the dome mold with more super clear resin.

Phase 2 results

cookies in cured resin

The second resin pour cured clearer when the cookie was pre-sealed with resin first. No bubbles or crumbs.

cookies in cured epoxy

If you look closely on the left, you’ll see where the first pour ends and the second pour begins. There are microbubbles in the first pour, so I wish I had cut that resin away before including in a second pour.

So here’s what I learned about using cookies in resin.

1. I wouldn’t put cookies in resin directly again. Too many crumbs and bubbles for the resin to cure crystal-clear.

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2. Coating the cookies with resin before using them in a second pour improves results. But next time, I’d wait until I had extra doming resin. It might stay on the surface better since it’s meant for coatings.

3. I’d remove any extra cured resin before using it in a new pour. That way, there would be fewer chances to see microbubbles in the new pour.

4. I stand firm that I’ll never use a perfectly delicious cookie in resin. There are some lines I just won’t cross.

Wondering what else you can do with resin?

It’s why I wrote the PDF beginner book, Resin Fundamentals.  I’ve taken my resin experiences and condensed them into an easy-to-follow ebook for beginners to go from confused to confident with resin. It’s the book I wish I had when I started.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

5 thoughts on “What Happens When You Put Cookies In Resin?

  1. Very interesting! I didn’t think costing in resin would work. Is this ok with more food items (hard candy?) or is it better to use some other kind of sealant?

  2. WHY, OH WHY?
    And what would happen if you sprayed the cookies (oh the pain) with acrylic spray or some such before you (ah) killed perfectly delicious Chocolate chip cookies???
    Why didn’t you use sugar cookies or oatmeal raisin cookies?

    Actually they might make an interesting pendant.

  3. Good to hear you won’t be going into space anytime soon! We don’t want to live without our guru resin lady. Anything that contains any liquids in it you must seal it first. In her online store she sells spray on resin. Wonder if that would work? Hugsv Debs from Texas

  4. I want to save engagement party cookies. Thought resin was the answer. But… I sprayed them with many! coats of sealer. The icing front did well but the cookie back just absorbed the sealer. What do you think?
    I can send you pic of the cookie.

    1. Hi Deborah! I didn’t have great luck with this project either. 🙁 The best bet is sealing the cookie with actual resin (over the spray sealer).

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