11 Best Resin Craft Safety Tips

resin craft safety tipsIf you’ve landed on this page, you’re pretty smart. Not because this is the most resin obsessed place out there, but because you want to learn more about resin craft safety. Which makes you pretty cool too. Because all the cool kids take resin safety seriously. It’s what keeps you healthy and able to work with resin for a long time. (Seventeen years and counting here.)

fan blowing

Tip 1.  Have good room ventilation.

Make sure air is circulating in your room when working with resin. Open a window or use a fan if necessary. This is usually enough for many resins, including epoxy. If you’re working with resin that requires respirator use, you need to do it in an area where you can evacuate fumes or leave the room once you’re finished.

nitrile glovesTip 2.  Wear disposable gloves.

Nitrile gloves work best since they are the least likely to react with the resin. But you can use latex gloves too. If you have sensitive skin, coat your hands with a barrier cream before putting on your gloves. For all you thrifty artists (like 99.87% of you), you can reuse your gloves if you’re careful when taking them off.

💡 Pro tip: Be careful when putting your gloves away. If they have resin on them, they will leave resin on whatever you store them in.

Tip 3.  If you’re working on a large project, wear a protective apron.

When mixing large amounts of resin, this is important for resin craft safety. Also, speaking from experience, wear something you don’t mind getting resin on. Resin drips will not come out of clothing, especially if they’re your favorite shorts.

Halloween molds

Tip 4.  Mark items you use for your resin projects as ‘resin only’.

Many kitchen items, like cups, spatulas, and baking molds, are great tools for your resin studio. But once you use them with resin, don’t use them with food again.

safety respirator

Tip 5.  If the resin manufacturer recommends a respirator, wear it!

Some resins, including polyesters and some polyurethanes, can emit dangerous and noxious fumes. Don’t think because you don’t smell the fumes when working with these resins, they aren’t there.

When crafting with resins that need respirator use, wear one approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for fumes and make sure it fits properly. An N95 mask does not work for resin fumes.

Tip 6.  When sanding, grinding, or drilling resin, wear a particle mask or a NIOSH respirator approved for dust.

It is important not to inhale the resin dust, which could cause an allergic reaction. This is where you can wear the N95 mask.

safety glasses for resin

Tip 7.  Use safety goggles.

If you’re wearing a dust mask or respirator, you need to wear safety glasses too. They’re also necessary anytime you’re using power tools.

Tip 8.  Clean up spills immediately.

Yes, I know this is inconvenient. But, you don’t want yourself or someone else to find sticky resin later only to not know what it is.

Acetone works well to remove spills but wear gloves while cleaning it up. It can draw the resin into your skin and cause irritation.

washing hands

Tip 9.  Clean resin from your skin with soap.

When cleaning resin from your skin, don’t use acetone or a chlorinated product. This will make it more likely you will have a resin skin reaction. Instead, use a quality detergent and water.  If the resin is sticky, use a pumice soap.

💡 Pro tip:  Baby wipes work great for resin off skin too.

waste collection center

Tip 10.  Dispose of resin products properly.

NEVER, EVER, EVER pour them down your sink, toilet, or sewer system. Follow the resin kit instructions for disposal of unused product and empty containers, which may involve you taking them to your local hazardous materials collection center.  This article explains more:  How to dispose of resin

Tip 11.  Ask for Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the products you are using.

This information is the ultimate resource on resin craft safety and will include the chemical composition of your products, safety recommendations, and first-aid advice should you have a problem.

By the way, getting an SDS is one of the things you should do before you buy resin.

Want to learn more of the basics you need to know to create with resin?

Then you will want to get a copy of Resin Fundamentals.  I wrote the PDF eBook to take you from confused to confident with resin in an afternoon!

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

Like this post? You may be interested in  How to Dispose of Resin: 5 Things You Must Know

38 thoughts on “11 Best Resin Craft Safety Tips

  1. Thanks for the safety reminders, Katherine. It’s easy to be tempted to take shortcuts but rarely a good idea, particularly wearing gloves. I’m guilty and I’m sure I’m not alone! And I’ve already ruined a pair of shorts by wiping my bare hands on them without thinking. Anyone else?

  2. I’ve always been afraid to use resin, but recently got a beginners kit online from a jewelry magazine. Since its summer, I’ll set up on the porch and be sure to read all directions. Which products don’t require a respirator and special gloves?

    1. Hi Penny, I would recommend checking the SDS information of the specific product you are working with.

      1. If I cover my resin while curing do I still need to be cautious with fumes? I cure them outside but it’s right beside my bedroom window which couldn’t be fully closed

  3. I just started resin and am wondering what is the best way to clean things like the stir sticks, spatulas etc it? Do it with soap and water while still wet or wait until it’s set and peel it off? I don’t want to have to throw things out after every use… Any suggestions?

  4. Msd sheets on little windows resin seems very safe. Just not sure if I need a respirator. I do wear nitril gloves and apron. Do you see any thing on their MSDS sheets .

  5. Hi there Katherine,

    first of all, thank you for the great posts I receive every so often in my mail box ! They inspire & help a lot.

    I have a question about allergies to cured resin. Have you ever encountered a situation where a person has an allergic reaction to your finished (cured) jewelry? Or maybe some other creater has told you anything about it? I’m asking because I would like to make some resin jewelry for my best friend who has very sensitive skin. Is it a good idea?

    thanks 🙂

    1. Thank you for the kind words. 🙂 Speaking as a non-medical person, I have never heard of anyone having a reaction to properly cured resin. There are lots of things out there made of resin (furniture, dinnerware, etc.) that I would expect that your friend would know by now if she was having a problem. That being said however, I’m sure if you gave it to her with an explanation of what it is, perhaps she could speak to her health care team for advice.

      1. I recently started using Amazing resin clear and my lungs burn while using it. I have been using surgical mask like used for COVID -19. It has only bee 3-4 days I have been using it. Do you know of an odorless brand? I have been opening my kitchen windows and a nearby door but the fumes are awful

  6. Hi, thank you for this list and an otherwise amazing website. I have a question which I’ve tried inding an answer for.

    For how long does epoxy resin create fumes?
    Or is this written on the instructions of resin?
    Thank you in advance.

    1. As long as the resin is in the cure time, I would expect that fumes could be off-gassed. Once it’s done curing, smells may linger (mostly the case with polyester resin).

  7. when I’m working with resin, I always leave the window closed. I realized that the air dust always sticks to the resin pieces while I am working, so I decided to leave the window closed. I open it only when I finish the job and cover the molds with a plastic bowl.

  8. Until when is the resin toxic? How bad is it to sleep in the same room where your resin cures even when the window is open?

    1. Hi! Until resin is completely cured, it is toxic. Please don’t sleep in a room with curing resin, and limit exposure to it while you’re awake. The fumes can cause various lung issues and can lead to permanent damage. It’s best to put your work in a separate room that few people go in that is ventilated well. Hope that helps!

  9. Hey, Thank you for the post. I wonder if I could ask a question? I’ve just started my own small business, which I am loving doing. I’ve also just found out, as in today just found out, that I am pregnant. Can I continue to use resin safely if I continue to wear a mask? Any advice would be greatly recieved. Thank you.

  10. Hi. I want to start working with resin but don’t know if it is safe for me.

    I don’t want to resin really big things, just small things like bezels, keychains and that sort of thing. I think the biggest I wouldwant to go will be a coaster or small trinket holders. Something like that.

    We (my hubby & I) live in a small apartment on a very busy street. If we open a window we get a LOT of noise and a lot of dust.

    That part doesn’t concern me so much. What DOES concern me is that I am on oxygen. I can breathe pretty well for a few hours without my oxygen but will the resin fumes bother me if I wear a mask?

    Also, I would not be able to work or store my projects outside or with the window open because of the dust from the traffic. Will that be a problem with the fumes and curing? Or is there a safe way to store it while it cures.

    What would be the best type of resin for me to use? Epoxy resin, UV resin or stay away from resin all together?

    So many questions, but that’s a start.

    Thank you.

    1. Wow, if you know you have to use oxygen- don’t you think you should pick up another craft? Or have someone make things for you. I would think you would value yourself more.

  11. I’ll be in the garage, so is it okay to leave my jewelry curing inside while it’s in its chamber? It’ll be warm inside the garage and people’ll be coming in and out. Also, for contaminated clothing, is it recommended to trash it or thoroughly wash (by hand or washer)? I’m thinking in small spills, not a big one.

  12. Hi, Thank you for posting this I just wanna ask if I don’t use a respirator mask but I have this fan that can convert bad air into fresh air again does that make any different.

    And is it better to do resin outside or inside ?

    Thank you

  13. I’ve been curing resin in a hotel room with the only ventilation being the a/c but it cures in 3-5 hours because I’ve been using a UV light. Do i need a respirator? The instructions only said to use goggles and gloves but i use neither. I’ve only started two days ago and only made a few pendants. Is it okay to continue this until i finish the small bottles of resin i have or should I stop doing this until i have the proper equipment?

    1. Hi Isabella, I don’t use UV resin so I’m not sure what the proper safety precautions are in this case. Does the resin have a safety data sheet that you can refer to?

  14. My safety data sheet mentions to wear a mask but didn’t specify that it had to be a respiratory one?
    I’ve been using regular Cotten masks or the disposable ones. How do I know which one I need to use for the specific resin I work with ? Also is it safe for the resin to cure indoors ? I will open all the windows in my apartment but still feel like the odor travels all around my place ?

  15. Hey, I had a question for you. I just found this after a week of having resin in my room. Tonight, while I was working with epoxy, I forgot to wear a mask. I might also mention that It’s currently 3:30 AM and don’t want to wake my family. I’ve opened a window and I’m now wearing a mask but I’m scared I might have breathed it in while working. Anything I can do?

  16. Hi. My craft room is in our basement. I have some ventilation, an air purifier and wear a mask and gloves for my safety. We also store some kitchen gadgets and packaged/canned goods nearby. Is there any danger of contaminated food or cooking gadgets?

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