Want To Buy Resin? 10 Questions To Ask First

what you should know before buying resin
When you’re ready to buy resin, you’ve probably got a few questions. Things like

>>How do I mix resin?
>>What can I make with resin?
>>Where can I find a coupon code?

And if you’re asking these, that’s awesome. Because they’re ALL good questions.

And you might think that’s enough.

But here’s the thing.

Ignorance is NOT bliss when it comes to resin. In fact, it’s the reason I see many people quit. It’s not that they did things wrong. It’s that they bought the wrong resin for what they wanted to make.

So instead of having a big mess…

Before you buy resin for your next project, here are ten questions you should be asking.

Wait a minute. So I can’t just buy any resin and use it?

Of course, you can.

If you don’t mind

❌ Risking your safety
❌ Holding your breath while waiting to see if it cures
❌ Calling your resin ugly swear words like you slippery little jungle demon

But if you want to make something

✅ Bbubble-free
✅ Shiny and gorgeous
✅ That you can’t wait to use, gift, or even sell

Here are ten questions you should know the answers to BEFORE you buy resin for your next project.

orange resin bracelet with glitter

1. I want to make ______. Will this resin work for this?

Do you know what’s painful? (Besides #5 on this list.) Buying a resin you think will work for your project only to find out AFTER using it that it failed miserably. You should never read that a resin will work for everything. There is no one-size-fits-all all resin.

So how do you know if a resin will work for your project?

⭐️ BONUS: Here’s my best advice on how to choose the best epoxy resin for your job.

2. What are the pot time, cure time, minimum, and maximum mixing amounts for my resin?

Why does this matter? These numbers will let you know:

*Pot time = how much time you have to use the resin before it starts curing.
*Cure time = how long it takes for your resin to solidify.
*Minimum and maximum mixing amounts = Mix an amount between these two numbers to make sure your resin cures.

You want to be sure the resin will fit your project needs. These numbers will also make it easier to compare resin types.

⭐️ BONUS: Get all that information in our [FREE] ultimate guide to choosing a resin.

yellow epoxy

3. What is the resin’s shelf life?

Epoxies generally have a shelf life of twelve months. Polyesters are usually half of that. Polyurethanes are even shorter. Buy enough resin to use entirely in half of the expected shelf life.

And once you’ve opened the resin, use it within 30 days. After that, the hardener can yellow.

⭐️ BONUS: Here’s how to figure out how much resin you need.

4. Is there anything I shouldn’t do with this resin?

Anyone who tells you there isn’t anything you shouldn’t do with this resin is either clueless or unethical.

Clueless because they don’t know their product. Unethical because they’re more interested in making a sale instead of helping you make something beautiful.

Again–there is no one-size-fits-all resin. An epoxy resin for art isn’t going to work as your resin for crafts.

⭐️ BONUS: And trust me when I say I know a good way to make a resin mess. In fact, I know 10 different ways to make a resin mess.

5. Is this resin appropriate for my skill level?

This question applies to you resin beginners. You should start with an epoxy resin. Don’t start with polyurethane or polyester resins. They’re more complicated to measure and mix. It’s also trickier to use them before the pot time expires.

Like this post? You may be interested in  4 Epoxy Resin Storing Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

⭐️ BONUS: Get my best resin beginner tips.

6. If this is my first time using this resin, can I try a small amount first?

You might be in love with this resin, but don’t commit to forever just yet. Only buy a small resin kit to start. If it works for what you want, then buy a larger volume to get a better price.

⭐️ BONUS: Read about the four goals you need to meet for resin jewelry making success.

epoxy ASTM certification

7. Does this resin conform to ASTM D-4236?

Whoa. What does that even mean?

In a nutshell, if a resin has ‘conforms to ASTM D-4236’ on the label, it means it’s safe to use.

And not all resins have this labeling. (Like 90% of the resins on this site don’t.)

Even if you don’t buy resin at Resin Obsession, please don’t buy resin without this labeling.

Your health and safety aren’t worth the risk.

⭐️ BONUS: Here are 9 facts everyone should know about resin safety

8. Do I have access to the safety data sheet (SDS) for this resin?

Oh goodness. More technical stuff? Really? All I want to do is make resin crafts.

And I want to help you do that — safely.

Safety data sheets tell you about the chemicals that you’re using. You’ll learn:

*How to protect yourself when using them
*How to dispose of resin
*Who to call in case of a chemical emergency

And I’m going to say this too…

Any company that won’t give you this information either has something to hide. Or, doesn’t think it’s important for you to have safety information so you can protect yourself while using resin. I would NEVER buy resin where I couldn’t get SDS.

⭐️ BONUS: And by the way, that non-toxic phrase gets thrown around a lot too. Here’s why the phrase non toxic resin is a load of codswallop.

9. What would the company like me to know about this resin?

A company like Resin Obsession, which makes resin for artists (as opposed to boat epoxy), can answer this question faster than a teenager texts juicy gossip.

Each resin has its own quirks and nuances that any experienced resin artist can help you with.

10. How does the company show off this resin?

This is where you can really learn about working with resin. You should be able to get their best tips and tricks on making it shine. If they can’t tell you much, it means they don’t have experience with the epoxy resin. You want to know that you’re going to get awesome technical support should you need it.

So let me be totally honest for a moment.

You’ve been through this entire article, and I can’t thank you enough for reading this far.

If you’re ready to buy resin, I would love the opportunity to help with your resin project. I’ve been a resin artist for more than 17 years and work with a great team of people to provide you with resin for artists.

Not floors. Not boats. Not adhesives.

Consider me your guide to the resin world. I’ll get you from confused to confident. Starting today.

If you’re ready to jump in, you can buy resin supplies.

But, if you aren’t ready to jump in, I get it. You want to make the most of your time and resources. And making something ugly isn’t what you had in mind.

It’s why I’ve got my Resin Fundamentals ebook.

You’ll go from confused to confident with resin, in only a couple of hours. Buy the PDF book now and get a download link in minutes.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

29 thoughts on “Want To Buy Resin? 10 Questions To Ask First

  1. i would like to resin a high top round bar table. what resin will be the most resistant to scratches?

  2. I would like to mold, color add decorations inside and drill my resin for outdoor hanging decorations. I prefer it to be clear. Which resin would be best?

  3. I would like to add a colored resin to a box lid and be able to use a router to round over the edges. Also to trim the edges with a table saw. Can this be done if taking small cuts?

  4. Hello
    I am running a craft camp and want to make resin crystals from molds I purchased. The molds are bigger then I thought ( about 3 inches tall and a 1 inch to 1 and a half inch wide) I have 8 campers, so will need quite a bit of resin to make them. I will also need them to be able to be removed from the molds and taken home with in 2 hours. I first purchased UV resin that would have worked great but wasn’t able to find it in large enough volumes.

  5. i want to do resin art work.like making tables with clear epoxy resin…i dont know how to mix them.i dont know anything about using resin….please help.i want to learn about resin and do art work..

  6. I am using the resin for making tumblers. I have seen people use alcohol ink on the tumblers which look really good but how safe is it. Does something like alcohol ink break down the resin and make it unsafe?

  7. I’ve used nothing but tr resin. Love it. But. Forearms broke out w red blotches they fade after awhile. Now put castor oil on then Hubbys tube sock up to elbow. Respirator n goggles. What can be done better. Does all resin do this. Turned shed into studio w 3 windows now. Thk u. So glad I learned about resin

    1. Unfortunately, it sounds like you are having a reaction to the resin. I’m not a medical professional and would direct you next to your healthcare provider for advice.

  8. I’m in the very early stages of making a decorative wood surfboard for my wife this upcoming Christmas. I’d like to use coloured resin to fill in the etched out design on the board. Wondering what types of resin work well with wood and can handle sanding, buffing and coming into contact with wood stain? I’m a beginner with resin as well.

  9. I am making tile coasters that have a poured paint design. I have used some resins for jewelry making. Some of it got a bit soft (sticky) in was in a heated area. What type of resin would be best to seal the coasters with a gloss (just poured look ). They might have a wine glass or coffee mug on it. Thank you

    1. Hi Bonnie, are you looking to coat the coasters or use them in a mold. I want to be sure I recommend the right resin.

  10. I want to pour molds to make crystal clear gems, maybe with some iridescence/rainbow to them to hang indoors. I want something that is reminiscent of Swaroski crystals, but affordable! Do you have a brand you recommend for making these in small batches? And what is the best way to introduce iridescent shimmer without obvious inclusions? I don’t want it to look like glitter. Thank you!

    1. Hello. I’ve been making resin crafts for 4 months now. I’ve tried 4 different brands so far. And all of them became bendy last week regardless of how long it had been since I’ve made them. I’ve searched the internet and your blog came up so I wanted to ask for your opinion. The thin bookmarks, thick keychains, coasters… Some were made 3 months ago, some were made last month. But almost all of them became resilient last week. The only thing that comes to my mind is that the weather is especially hot lately but I’ve been told that weather changes don’t affect resin once it’s cured. Is it true or does it in fact affect the resin work? If it does, what temperature should I keep my cured resin crafts?

  11. Hi, your expert advice is required please. We have wood framed doubled glazed windows that are leaking because rain runs down the glass into the frame and is forced out through the beading on the inside in high winds. In the past we have tried putty, it dries out and the birds peck at it, we tried sealants, they shrink and degrade as the wood shrinks and expands in the seasons. Can you suggest a resin that will fill the gaps but is liquid enough to be syringed between the wood and glass?

    1. Hi Marguerite, I’m afraid resin isn’t a good choice for a project like this. Resin and glass expand at different rates from each other. At some point, one of them will crack.

  12. I honestly feel a deep desire to start something with resin,I’m in uganda and don’t know if you can help….

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