What are the types of resin? And Why It Matters.

What are the different types of resin

I’m guessing you’re here because you’re overwhelmed by all the resin types out there.

You’re not alone.  I get messages like this all the time.

* You’re ready to take on a project.
* Then buy resin for that project.
* But overwhelmed because you don’t want to use the wrong one and mess up that project.

Here’s the thing — knowing what resin is best for your project starts with knowing the types of resins you’ll find.

Once you know about the types of resin, it gets a lot easier to choose the right one for what you want to make.

Two-part resins come as a base resin and a hardener (or catalyst). They don’t do anything by themselves, but when mixed together, a chemical reaction occurs. This is what lets them cure.

resin and molds

With all types of resin, there are two terms you need to be familiar with:

Pot time: the amount of time you have to use the resin once you start mixing. Once the resin hits the end of this time, it starts to solidify.

Cure time: the amount of time it takes the resin to form into a solid. Once your resin reaches the end of the cure time, you can touch it to demold.

⭐️ BONUS: There are more resin terms than this. If you ever read something you don’t know what it means, go check out our resin dictionary.

With me so far?


Here are four types of two-part resin you’ll find:

lego piece resin bracelet

1. Polyester

You may also see this called fiberglass resin.

Pot time: 8 to 15 minutes minutes
Cure time: 18 to 24 hours

What you should know: It stinks.

Pros: Polyester resin cures with a tough finish that you can sand or buff with a polishing wheel. If the surface becomes scratched, you can easily polish it again.

Cons: Because it does cure very hard, polyester resin will break if dropped on a hard surface. You shouldn’t use it to coat a surface because it won’t self-level.

⭐️ BONUS: Here are five other things you need to know about using polyester casting resin.

Finished - Resin a Photo on Canvas

2. Epoxy

This is my favorite resin to use.

Pot time: Varies. It may be as short as 20 minutes but can be as long as 90 minutes for slow-curing epoxy.
Cure time: It also varies but is related to the pot time. i.e., Epoxy resins with a shorter pot time have a shorter cure time.

What you should know: It’s the easiest resin for beginners to get started with.

Pros: The most available resin type.

Cons: Some epoxy resins cure soft.

⭐️ BONUS: Since epoxy resins are so popular, there are a bunch of formulas for this resin type as well. (and it can be just as overwhelming as learning about the types of resin)  If you want to use epoxy resin, there’s more you need to know about this type of resin.  I’ve broken down the types of epoxy so you use the right one.

resin chess pieces

3. Polyurethane

I like using this resin when I need a completed project quickly.

Pot time: 2 to 15 minutes
Cure time: 15 minutes to an hour

What you should know: This is not a resin for beginners since it cures quickly.

Like this post? You may be interested in  Resin Didn't Cure? 12 Reasons Why Epoxy Didn't Harden

Pros: They come with a speedy cure time.  Usually in under an hour.

Cons: They’re very moisture-sensitive and may not cure well in humid climates. Some colors won’t work if they aren’t designed for polyurethane resins.

Polyurethane resin also doesn’t work as a coating or doming resin. It will leave dimples on your resin surface.  And sometimes polyurethanes cure opaque.

⭐️ BONUS: Learn how to make a bespoke chess set with quick-curing resin.

adding a second layer of silicone

4. Silicone

Yes, silicone is a resin.

Pot time: minutes
Cure time: hours

What you should know: This is what you want to use to make molds for casting the other resin types.

Pros: The perfect material for making molds for casting the other three resins above.

Cons: The rubbery finish means most people don’t like wearing it as jewelry.

⭐️ BONUS: Here’s how to use silicone putty to make resin molds at home.

How do you know what type of resin you’re looking at?

It should say somewhere on the label or the product description. You can’t assume what type you have by looking at container type or size.

⭐️ BONUS:  Three reasons you DON’T want the cheapest epoxy resin.

coloring blue and pearl

What if you want to color these types of resin?

You can do that. You’ll get the best coloring results if you use colors designed for the resin type.

⭐️ BONUS: Epoxy resin coloring secrets.

How do I get a shiny finish with these resin types?

It depends on how you’re going to use the resin. Polyester, epoxy, and polyurethane resins naturally want to cure shiny. But, if you’re using them in a mold, you need to ensure that the mold has a shiny surface. If it doesn’t, your resin will cure frosted.

⭐️ BONUS: Here’s how to polish resin.

The same thing happens with your silicone resin. If you’re using it to make a mold, your mold template needs to have a shiny surface too.

What if I want a frosted surface on the resin?

You can achieve that with polyester, epoxy, and polyurethane resins.

⭐️ BONUS: How to get a matte surface on resin.


What safety precautions do I need to take when using these resin types?

At the least, you need to wear protective gloves and work in a well-ventilated area. The specific type of resin you use will have more safety precautions listed in its safety data sheet.

💡 Pro tip: If you can’t get a safety data sheet for your resin, don’t use it. Your health and safety aren’t worth the risk.

⭐️ BONUS: Learn about the types of resin we sell and which is best for your project in our resin buying guide.

Overwhelmed with choosing the right resin for your project?

I get it because I felt the same way when I started with resin over 17 years ago. I wasted so much time and money on using the wrong products, and I don’t want you to go through the same aggravation.

It’s why I wrote the ebook Resin Fundamentals. For less than the cost of a resin kit, you can buy the PDF book and feel ready to take on your first (or next) resin project. Buy now and get a download link to your email in minutes.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2024 Resin Obsession, LLC

107 thoughts on “What are the types of resin? And Why It Matters.

  1. Janna,

    There are a couple of resin bead making discussions on the jewelry making forum. Go to the forum, then look under the link “How can I….”. Scroll down the page, there are at least two as of now.

  2. I would like to make some beads from resin. Is this possible and if so, which resin is best and how do you drill it?

  3. Is it possible to get transparent resin opaque if you use pigments? Or do you first have to dye it white and then add pigments? The reason I’m asking is because I need to cast parts for a doll and I’d rather use transparent epoxy since its (as I understand) less toxic. However, I’m getting worried that I won’t be able to get it opaque enough. I was planning to use your skin toned pigments. Do I need to change my plan?

  4. Ida,

    You can use a dye with an opaque white resin, or use an opaque dye with a clear resin. Either should work just as well.

  5. To achieve a matte finish, you will want to sand your resin with wet/dry sandpaper while underwater. (You don’t want to breathe in the dust.) Continue to sand with higher grits of sandpaper until you get the desired finish. Any kind of resin will have a nice matte finish when done this way.

  6. To achieve a matte finish, you will want to sand your resin with wet/dry sandpaper while underwater. (You don’t want to breathe in the dust.) Continue to sand with higher grits of sandpaper until you get the desired finish. Any kind of resin will have a nice matte finish when done this way.

  7. I’m trying to make marbles with clovers in them. I do not own a respirator and live in a small house so I cant use polyester resin, the marble must be polished to a very high shin but preferably without a spay finish, and i would prefer that it can survive being dropped, oh and i also live in a very humid area, But! i have a dehydrator… if i put the resin, mold and all, in there do you think that will work? it can be set to a lot of different temps. 95 degrees to 195. with a fan on the items constantly. should i go with the Polyurethanes resin id like to go no higher than mid range price. if you could email me at Kitsune3tail@gmail.com that would be great because my computer is giving be trouble so i may not be able to see this site for a month or two…

  8. I am going to encase a WW 2 casing and the actual bullet for a veteran this is very special and I want to make sure I use the correct resin,he was thinking acrylic but I want clear resin and I have to put his on his dog tags so I will need a t ring to attach it to his dog tags need expert advice here please

  9. @Desiree, a polyurethane (making sure you use that dehydrator/dehumidifier) would be my choice of resin in this case. I don’t have a lot of experience with polyurethanes, but I think that would be the best choice. Please be sure to be safe as well. You may need to wear a respirator.

  10. Which resin is common to make pendants to embed objects? I would like to buy the resin from either Hobby Lobby or at Walmart if available. Secondly, could someone explain what Mod Podge is as it appears it can be used for many things…..*confused*. Thank you!

  11. I am trying to make a bottle cap table. A lot of the articles day to use a resting, but never say what type or a recommended brand. Which resin would be best to use?

  12. @Courtney,

    It really depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re a beginner, start with an epoxy.

  13. I am completely Fresher to resign jewelry making and i am very facinated to learn how to make can you please Help me where to start , hw to start , and other precoution to be taken while making resign jewelry.

  14. I want to put posts on my cabochon resins?Can i insert the post when it’s drying or do you suggest just waiting for it to dry then glueing posts with E6000?

  15. Hi, I’m wanting to glue artificial plastic moss onto a plastic object then coat with a non glossy resin to seal and give durability. Can you recommend a type of resin that will brush on and serve this purpose easily ?
    Thanks for your advice.

  16. I am new to resin and would like to encase smaller print/photos onto a table top roughly 20″X36″X4″ having it clearly visible from both top and sides. What resin would best fit my need? Thanks for any input!

  17. I imake paper quilling things. I wish not to use fevigums fivcols or lacquer or varnish cos i heard they do have some side effect.
    I live in mumbai india and i have no idea where i can buy epoxy resins n am searching it for six onths.
    Can you help?

  18. Virgin resin user here… I’d like to pour clear resin over some DIY artwork I made on canvas. (Two 16×20’s and one much larger 50×70). Any and all guidance appreciated! I live in San Francisco, which I suppose is “humid”, but not like what one would experience in Florida. Because I’m prone to error and have no experience, I’d prioritize ease of use over cost. Any thoughts on what product I should start with?

  19. Hello i live in England and I want to use resin to pour onto to canvas and coasters I Want a clear shiny result what one would you recommend. I am struggling to find at local stores.

  20. @Saida, unfortunately, I don’t have any recommendations for you. Envirotex Lite would be good for you to use, but I am unable to ship it to you in the UK.

  21. @Jamie, I have never made any ear plugs, so I’m afraid I can’t offer you any advice.

  22. Hi,
    I am going to make some ear plugs from silicone or polyurethane resin. Do you have any suggestions on how I can do this and what resin to use?

    I need a product that is as light weight as possible for comfort in the ear.

  23. Hi great website thanks. I have a very nice wooden tray I just purchased and would like to do the epoxy resin on the inside bottom of the tray and the 4 sides. how do I effectively do this b/c I am not able to just scrape it off? I will be using this outside and do not want water stains from glasses etc but don’t want to place anything in the tray to take away from the appearance. please help!

    1. Hi Jan, I’m curious as to why resin? In terms of durability, something like concrete may be preferable.

  24. Brilliant post, really explains it all! I live in the UK and really want some resin spray but not sure where will post to UK. Any ideas?

    1. Sadly, I don’t. I get asked that a lot and haven’t found a good alternative for our international readers.

  25. I have a friend trying to make beads with breast milk and resin. She made some beads and they quickly rotted or turned a nicotine color either because of the milk rotting or air exposure, any advice?

  26. Hi Katherine, thank you for such a great site- I would like to make medium to large sized vases and small plant pots, what is the best resin to use?

  27. I purchased a box of “Amazing Clear Cast” to make some sea glass out of and I’m kinda in a rush to get it done, so my question is can i use food coloring for the color in this stuff? I’m hoping that i can use something that I have around the house for coloring. That or can i use candle or soap dye? TIA. Plus this is my first time using this product.

  28. Hello, I just bought my first Bo staff from my dojo. All the Bo staffs look the same, except for the size, so we just all customize it. I was thinking about using glow-in-the dark resin and pour it into the shallow carvings for a cool look.

    Keeping in mind this will be used for sparring, is there a resin type strong enough to withstand daily sparring sessions? Or should I look for another way to customize my Bo staff?

    Also, if so, what kind of resin is acceptable to use?


  29. Hi there,
    Im looking to use resin to coat artificial flower petals, could you please recommend a Resin? I do need them to be 3d and moulded into a shape, I’m not sure if there is a resin that would be suitable for this?

  30. Which resin can I use as a substitute for nitrocellulose resin in shoe sole glue? I can’t get nitrocellulose resin in the market

    1. I’m afraid I’m not familiar with nitrocellulose resin and cannot make a recommendation for you.

  31. Hi!
    I am trying to make concrete jewelry as hoby. But I the thin details becomes very fragile. I try to mix the concrete with epoxy resin and it worked. Exept they dont look like att all like a concrete anymore. Do you have any suggestions how can I achieve to create objects by mixing resin and cement/concrete without losing the concrete effect? Is epoxy resin is the right kind?
    Than you in advance

    1. I haven’t done a project like this, so I can’t say whether or not mixing concrete and resin works well. Have you considered making the jewelry in concrete, then coating them with resin?

  32. hii..sir
    my project was natural composites (Jute fiber) , but i did’t find out the matrix for my project. which resin good for jute fiber

  33. I would like to make a beach scene on and Old window in a frame. I will be using shells and other materials I have found on the beach. What type of product would be used to pour once the items are glued on the window?

  34. Epoxy safety warning: althought polyester has a really bad smell, your loungs can handle it and body disolves it in a short time. Story with the epoxy is very different – it has no smell, but its fumes evaporate and chain with water in the air. With breathing it comes in to our lunges and because its cemical formula our body can not dissolve it. It stays in our loungs for a long time.

  35. Hi Katherine,

    Have you try UV resin for jewelry resin? There is one brand Padico from Japan that I am curious about, and so many brand from China. Does UV resin same with Epoxy resin? It says that UV resin will hard cure in 60 minutes by direct sunlight, while in 15 minutes by UV lamp.

  36. Hi I am a beginner and I want to make counter tops using Mable powder,which resin would do the trick and should I use a paint dye in the mixing?
    Please advise
    Thanks Gregory

  37. Hi. your group is wonderful, but I can’t seem to find a thread that can help me with a project I want to try. I’ve never worked with resin before. I saw the video Bobby Dukes did of his ostrich egg. (he filled it with resin and then carved the egg and then lite it from underneath. Very Cool) But he doesn’t explain what type of resin he used, and he used way too much. It kept expanding and overflowing out of the emptying hole and eventually out of the pores of the egg and it cracked. it also reached 250F! Is there a way to figure out how much and what type of resin would be best to use? I also live in an apartment, so I’d have to do this outside on my patio.

    1. Hi Charlynn, it sounds like you have a lot you want to get done! I want to help you with your project, and I think this situation is best suited for a one-on-one consulting call where you and I talk back and forth about what’s going on. I can set you up for a 15 or 30 minute consultation call. Prices start at $20. If you want to send an email through our contact page, I am happy to respond with more details and availability.

  38. Hi, so I’m making a ball jointed doll, and was wondering what resin I would use to do the final cast over clay. One website suggested urethane, is that the best option? And how would I achieve a very tan skin color? I don’t want to have to paint it…

  39. Does all resins heat up when mixed? I have been trying different flowers in molds, paperweights, keychains, earrings, etc.. seems that the heat discolors them almost as soon as it touches. I have tried sealing with many different items, nothing seems to be working. I want to seal a few flowers from grandmas funeral and running out of time…even considered the acrylic water and just sealing them in the bottom of a clear vase….HELP!

  40. Hi John,

    You have a lot going on here!

    I want to help you with your project, and I think this situation is best suited for a one-on-one consulting call where you and I talk back and forth about what’s going on. I can set you up for a 15 or 30 minute consultation call. If you want to send an email through our contact page, I am happy to respond with prices and availability.

  41. Hey im new to resins and want to make dice and not simple ones. I want to make 6,4,10,12, and 20 sided for dnd and tabletop games in general. Appart from trying to figure out how or where im gonna get molds for these geometric shapes with 10-20 equal sides, they need to be prett hard since they’ll probably fall off the table onto hard floors occasionally. I intend to put things inside them as well like tiny skulls, clovers, etc. so it would need to have a near glass level clarity and tintable if possible, not a solid color but like lightly colored glass with the object inside still clearly visable and stay that clear for hopefully a few years at least. Is it possible to have 2 different colors in a mold without them completely mixing and just kinda swirling or transition. Also need to be able to get the numbers on the sides by painting, etching, or some other way. I realize this will be a very hard and expensive project if even possible due to the shapes and designs i desire. It seems i would need a high-end polyurethane with special color additives but im not sure.
    Any advice on this? Does this even sound possible to do?
    I obviously dont plan on jumping straight into this and intend to get very comfortable with epoxy before i even think about it.

  42. I’m just getting into resin, I’d like to make a custom shift knob for my manual car. I dont want it turning yellow so I have a cover to protect the resin from sun. Any other suggestions or tips for making this?

    1. Unfortunately, all resins are going to yellow over time. Resins with UV inhibitors and stabilizers help extend the time before yellowing occurs. However, things such as mixing off ratio (even though it still can cure without tackiness), putting over an improperly cured lacquer, excessive heat, and or constant exposure to sunlight can speed up the yellowing process. How long the epoxy will last in its clear state is very difficult to predict.

  43. I’m trying to find another product than the 2 step ecopoxy resin I’m currently using for filling the inside of quail eggs. This is pysanky (Ukrainian Easter eggs) egg art. I’m dreaming of & wishing for something light and hard. And think to fill the egg. Im ok with the slow firing, as tge heat ca crack the eggs…but if there is something that is a better option that would be amazing.

  44. My goal is to use uv resin to adhere plastic embellishments to paper crafts. I have UV RESIN HARD TYPE but it does not work for this purpose. The embellishment can be simply removed by a finger nail, even after using the uv light on it. I have been unable to find any info on plastic to paper to any advice you can offer would be appreciated. Thanks

  45. I’d love your input on what resin to use to mimic teeth? Purely for my sculptures with clay. Im looking for a decent priced one and type to use. I greatly appreciate any input!! Thank you so much.

  46. This is an interesting topic and I am looking forward to learning more about the different types of resins and their applications in various industries.

  47. Thanks for providing a detailed overview of the different types of resin! I had no idea there were so many variations. As a budding resin artist, this information is invaluable in helping me choose the right type of resin for my projects. The explanation of the differences in properties and applications was crystal clear. Keep up the great work!

  48. This post was super informative! I had no idea there were so many types of resin, and understanding their specific uses really helps in choosing the right one for my projects. Thanks for breaking it down and explaining why each type matters. Can’t wait to dive into working with resin!

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