Is Resin Safe To Use During Pregnancy?

is resin safe to use during pregnancy
I’m guessing you’re here because you googled ‘Is resin safe to use during pregnancy?’

First, CONGRATULATIONS! You must be excited about what’s to come. And I’m impressed you’re trying to fit in epoxy projects time too.

Second, I’m not a human health care professional. Use what you read here to help you make an informed decision. Talk with your health provider about your concerns. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also has information about resins and reproductive health.

Third, you should take resin safety seriously, even if you’re not pregnant. Using resin is a fun way to spend a creative afternoon. But it does need certain safety preparations.

What’s the best way to know if resin is safe to use during pregnancy?

Carefully review the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the resin supplies you want to use.

An SDS will include important details like:

Chemical ingredients
Necessary safety gear
Who to call in case of emergency

Plus, there are lots more details that you can share with your healthcare person.  (If you’re using Resin Obsession products, we’ve got them for you here:  SDS)

⚠️ CRITICAL: Just because a resin says it is natural, eco-friendly, or non-toxic doesn’t mean it is safe for use, during pregnancy or otherwise, without proper precautions. It’s vital you learn everything about the product and follow the recommended safety procedures.

By the way…

I would never buy resin where I couldn’t get an SDS for a product. Pregnant or not. If a company can’t give you an SDS, then how do they know it’s safe to use?

⭐️ BONUS: Get all the epoxy resin safety precautions you need to take when creating with resin (whether or not there’s a baby on board).

Want to try resin but are confused about how to start?

I want to help! I’ve taken my sixteen years of resin artist experience and condensed it into the ebook Resin Fundamentals. In a couple of hours, you’ll know exactly what to do to make something beautiful with resin. Buy the PDF book now, and get an email download link in minutes.


Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

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16 thoughts on “Is Resin Safe To Use During Pregnancy?


  2. Lol, I used resin throughout both my pregnancys… and both my kids are great and healthy 🙂 if that makes anyone feel any better hahaha. I never have used masks or gloves or anything but I use such small amounts and really not that often I never have had an issue 🙂

    1. Nicole, Im about 7 weeks… i use about 1 /4 or less in a solo cup to fill several amall molds and then im done til they can be pulled…so low risk since dont use like say all day??

    2. Thank you so much! I plan on starting my resin business within a month or so. But I’m also trying for baby #2!! Lol

  3. Does anyone work with polyester resin? I just found out that I’m pregnant and told my boss that I would prefer to not be in the studio on the days that he casts or sands resin. I am currently wearing my 3M-OV, AG, P 100 respirator daily, due to potentially hovering fumes from the resin/acetone drums and resin dust. I found online that the toxicity is predominantly harmful during the mixing and curing stage, but I’m having a hard time finding info on any harmful affects (for the pregnancy) during or after the sanding phase. I realize there are no guarantees; I just want to be as safe as possible. Any suggestions?

    1. Hi Jodi, I appreciate that you want to be safe during this time. You should contact the resin manufacturer for a safety data sheet, then have a conversation with your medical provider.

  4. Hi… I am 7 week pregnent.. resin is my life … cannot afford to imagine to leave it for a year.. i work with it only for an hour or so just make small small things.. can i continue doing so.. pls suggest

  5. Searching the net to see if epoxy and resin is the cause of a serious heart defect my grandson was born with. CDC states it can cause still born, miscarriages, fertility issues and birth defects.

    I’m very sad about this. My daughter in law created tumblers during her pregnancy. My grandson now has Transposition of the great arteries .

  6. I’m pregnant and I was working with resin, I got a little on my finger, but immediately washed it off. Should I be concerned?
    I wore a double layer mask, but didn’t wear gloves ( I know stupid of me to think I was going to be careful), I got a little on my finger, but immediately washed it off. Should I be concerned

  7. I’m 5 months pregnant. I’d like to get back into my resin as I stopped when finding I was pregnant but I’m trying to find a way around that lol. Do you ladies think if I work outdoors on my patio with a mask and gloves/ do it in small amounts I’d be okay?

  8. Resin is a chemical at the end of the day.
    I feel there is nothing more important than the baby’s health and safety during this time. Why take the slightest risk and regret a lifetime

  9. My husband works with a 3D printer in a room in my house and occasionally it smells throughout the house. I’m 11 weeks pregnant. Do you think this is still safe?

    1. Jennifer, if you are reading this, please have your husband STOP if he hasn’t done so already!! A friend of mine who has one has was complaining about the damage he has done to himself. It messes with your respiratory system. I received one as a gift and still haven’t set it up yet because of trying to figure out a safe way to vent, while not using my garage.

  10. My child is 3 month old and u used to feed her,
    Is there any issue in doing my resin related work or when will I start my resin related work if is not now,
    Please suggest me

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