Can Epoxy Resin Catch Fire? What You Should Know

can epoxy resin catch fireI’m glad you’re asking yourself if epoxy resin can catch fire. It means you’re concerned about resin safety, which is a good thing. Here’s what you need to know about the flammability of epoxy resin.

Epoxy resin kits are not flammable.

Epoxy resin kits are made with chemicals that are not combustible. (Unlike other resin products, like alcohol color tints for resin) resin kits do not pose a risk of starting a fire if exposed to heat.

💡 Pro tip: You can also review a resin kit’s safety data sheet (SDS) to see if there is a flammability hazard. An SDS is also essential to have access to so you know how to dispose of resin safely or have a medical emergency.

But, mixed epoxy resin can start a fire IF…..

When you mix resin and hardener together, the mixture heats up, which causes it to harden. But, if the mixed epoxy resin and hardener gets too hot, it can melt the mixing cup or catch the cup on fire. That fire can then spread to your work area and get out of hand quickly. For this reason, I always have a metal container and fire extinguisher close as I work. Then, should my resin overheat, I can contain the mixing cup in a container unlikely to catch fire.

If you craft with resin long enough, you’ll likely experience a situation where your resin flash cures. It’s vital to plan what to do if it happens so as not to injure yourself or someone else.

💡 Pro tip:  Here are the resin safety precautions I always take.

So what can you do to keep your epoxy resin from starting a fire?

Be aware of how much total volume of resin and hardener you can mix at once. Combining more than this amount will cause overheating. This can set your mixing cup on fire.

💡 Pro tip: If you’re using resin from the Resin Obsession store, we have that information for you in our resin buying guide.

Know that the thicker the mass of resin you pour, the more quickly heat will build. While it’s unlikely hot resin will catch your mold or surface on fire, it may cause it to melt, making a huge mess.

Heating your resin kit in a water bath before use is a great way to allow bubbles to escape. But be aware that this heat also adds to the heat of the reaction. If your resin kit components are hot, they may speed up the epoxy reaction enough to catch your mixing cup on fire.

Want to learn more of the crucial details you need to know to be successful with resin?

Then you will want to get a copy of my ebook, Resin Fundamentals. Learn the essential details you need to know to avoid costly mistakes when creating epoxy resin. Buy the PDF book now and get a download link in your inbox in minutes.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

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3 thoughts on “Can Epoxy Resin Catch Fire? What You Should Know

    1. Hi Mary! Resin kits should not travel by air. If you’re traveling by ground methods (boat, train, etc.) you should be fine.

  1. I was curious about this too! I’ve never heard of it happening before, but I’m always so careful with my epoxy. Thanks for the article!

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