How To Easily Handle Every Resin Clean Up Challenge

how to clean up resinOrganizing is not my thing. Instead of having a neat and tidy space that looks good on Instagram, my studio space is like a goldfish tank. The supplies expand to the space I give them.

So when I do straighten things up once or twice I year, I find resin that needs attention. Maybe you do too. Like…

Unused resin
Spilled resin
Cured resin drips

Whatever you’ve got going on, here’s how to clean up resin.

Step 1: Decide what you’re keeping.

Sort your resin supplies into bins of use or lose.

⭐️ BONUS: Don’t throw away that yellow resin. It can cure if you’ve stored it well. Here’s what you can do with yellowing resin instead.

waste collection center

Step 2: Dispose of items you don’t want anymore.

Disposing of products properly is very important because many epoxy products can be toxic to aquatic life.

A resin’s safety data sheet (SDS) is the best place to look for how to dispose of unused material. You’ll find it in section 13.

⭐️ BONUS: We’ve got SDS information for Resin Obsession resins available whenever you need it.

But sadly, a lot of resin companies don’t make that information available, especially if they’re selling cheap epoxy resin. That’s why you need to presume the resin is hazardous. Then, take the kit to a hazardous materials collection center. These places are the same locations where you take extra paint, unused medications, and old electronics.

How should you not clean up unused resin?

Never ever, ever pour them down your drain, sewer, sink, toilet, septic system. Basically, anything where the resin will contaminate water.

Never, ever, ever include unused epoxy liquids in your trash.

Never, ever, ever run containers and utensils through your dishwasher. (Unless of course, you don’t mind buying a new one and the plumbing to go with it.)

Disposal of empty bottles

Switch the caps (resin cap goes on hardener bottle and hardener cap goes on resin bottle) and they will cure shut. If you have a tiny bit left in each bottle, you can pour one into the other and let the resin cure, then throw it away. Then, once they’ve cured, you can throw these in the trash.

paper towel

Step 3: Clean up spilled resin and hardener liquids.

Gather these supplies:

*Paper towels
*Zip-top plastic bags
*Acetone or denatured alcohol
*Good dishwashing soap (not the cheap stuff).

Then, make sure you have fresh air circulating in the room. Resin mixed with solvent fumes aren’t something you breathe. Put on protective gloves.

If it’s a tiny spill, wipe up the spill and put the towels in the zip-top bag. Seal tightly and throw away in your regular trash. If it’s a bigger mess, continue to clean up, but throw the paper towels in a garbage bag and take it to the hazardous materials collection center.

I realize that sounds like overkill, but we all play an essential part in keeping our aquatic friends safe.

Next, use the solvent to wipe up the remaining sticky residue. Then, use a damp towel with soap and warm water to remove the remaining solvent.

💡 Pro tip: Not only do I store my resin kits in a dark closet, but I also keep them in a plastic container. That way, should something spill, it’s contained on a surface that’s easier to clean.

Step 4: Clean up cured resin.

Once your resin has fully cured, you can throw it away in your regular garbage.

⭐️ BONUS: Here are other ideas of what you can do with your resin mistakes instead of throwing them away.

I have cured epoxy on my countertops. How do I clean up that resin?

Proceed with the idea that you may ruin your surface by trying this. But then again, having resin drips all over your table isn’t ideal, either.

Place a cloth over the resin drips. Next, apply boiling hot water. Allow the heat to permeate for five to ten minutes. Then try to peel off the resin. If that doesn’t work, use a putty knife to scrape under it to loosen the resin.

How do I clean up resin on my clothing?

Yeah. I wish I knew. Once it’s cured, it’s all but ruined. If the resin is still wet, you can apply alcohol or acetone to get as much out as possible. Then use laundry detergent on the spot to get out more residue. It all won’t come out, but at least you won’t have a hard area of cured resin on your shirt. Instead, it looks like a grease stain, and people will think you’re a sloppy eater.

⭐️ BONUS:  Here are the safety precautions you should take when working with resin.

Want more helpful information beyond how to clean up resin?

I would love to be your Yoda, resin padawan. I wrote my ebook Resin Fundamentals for beginners like you. Instead of making mistakes, you can learn from my sixteen years of resin experience. Buy the PDF book now, and you can read it this afternoon. All for less than the price of a resin kit.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

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19 thoughts on “How To Easily Handle Every Resin Clean Up Challenge

  1. Thank you for sharing this important information Katherine! Resin users need to understand how to properly dispose of resin containers. I have a tip for cleaning up/removing cured resin on surfaces…use your heat gun to loosen it up! Although not perfect, it will often help to pry large pieces off of tables in one piece. Also, it works to remove the tape from the underside of your artwork (resin drips).

  2. Thank you for the tips on dispoal.
    I keep a pack of baby wipes close by in case of spills. I find they work better than paper towels for cleaning up drips.
    I also use them to wipe out my mixing containers, then i can wash them without damage to plumbing

  3. I spilled resin on my leggings. I cleaned it up with baby wipes. It didn’t leave a greasy looking stain and there was no stiffness in the fabric. Baby wipes are a life saver when working with resin.

    1. Wow, that’s great! What are you leggings made of? I’ve never been that lucky when it gets on cotton clothing.

  4. My resin horror story? I had a litre of UV curing resin under my table at a craft show. I was taking time between customers to divide the litre into smaller bottles for a workshop I was teaching later in the weekend. Each time someone came to my stand, I’d rest the lid on the tin and place it under my table, out of sight.

    My 7yo daughter came running in to see me and, unbeknownst to me, kicked the tin over. I didn’t notice until the smell became stronger than it should have been and I looked down to see nearly the entire litre seeping into the hotel’s carpet.

    The first thing the hotel staff wanted to do was open the curtains and windows to let the stink out! I strongly said no and instead we placed a bunch of towels over the patch and walked and walked until nearly all of it was soaked up by the towels. The remainder was picked up by a solvent cleaner. I was threatened with a bill of £10,000 to replace the carpet which I flatly shut down because that’s what the hotel (and show I was attending) has insurance for.

    Now I no longer prep for workshops anywhere than at home, in my own studio, no matter how rushed I am before the event is due to take place.

  5. Some UV resin came in contact with my wood furniture piece and the fumes has gotten worse. Is there anyone who can help me, or know how to get rid of the smell? Any help would be appreciated.

  6. Some resin accidentally spilled on my stainless steel counter and I didn’t notice until it had cured. Any tips on how to get it off? I can’t scrape it without scratching the stainless steel. 😬

  7. How do you get rid of resin shavings? When I drill or sand resin, so much of it gets collected and while I try to put most of it in empty bottles of resin / hardener and switch the caps, there’s still a lot that gets left on surfaces… I sweep it off to a corner but never know what to do with it properly…

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