How To Layer Resin: Everything You Need To Know

How to layer epoxy resinHere’s what I’ve learned in the eleven years I’ve helped creatives with their epoxy projects. The question you’ve been asking about how to layer resin is not the question I’ve been answering.

You know how sometimes you hear a question, and you immediately know how to answer it? Like…

How do you hide a column in excel?

I’m guessing you’re working with data and need to format some things. So an article like this is what I’d share with you.

But if you ask me

How do you hide a body in the woods?

Before I can answer, I have to decide on a scale of Regina George to Dory the Fish of how good of friends we are. Then, I’m daydreaming about the GOAT of true crime narration, asking me when I knew the dark force of evil was beckoning me to deception’s edge. So to be safe, I share this article on how to play hide and seek, which may or may not answer your question.

See the problem?

So when creatives ask how to layer resin, I’ve been answering the simplest way I know.

Pour a layer, then pour another.

Yes, it really is that simple. But I’m finding out there’s more you want to know.

So let’s take a deep dive into everything you need to know about how to layer resin.

Plan what you’re making

That means you’ve got to know

  • What you’re putting in each layer
  • Whether you’re working from the front layer to the back layer (or vice versa)
  • And if you need to worry about lines between layers

(all of this will make more sense in a minute)

Pour your first layer

More often than not, when using molds, the first layer you pour will be the front after demolding.

placing sticker in resin

That means if you’re putting something like a sticker in resin, you want the design side facing away from you. Because when you demold, you’ll see the design.

Pour your next layer

Now’s when you can mix and pour another resin layer, adding epoxy colors, glitters, beads, sprinkles, and other fun stuff. Mix and pour your resin to put over the next layer.

⭐️ BONUS: Here are 10 ideas of things to embed in resin.

When do you pour additional layers?

The safe choice is to pour the next layer once the previous layer is completely cured. The heat of layers is additive. Too much heat can make your resin flash cure.

But, by doing it this way, you’ll see a line between layers if you’re keeping your epoxy clear. To avoid that line, you’ll want to pour your next layer when the previous layer is semi-formed, like gelatin. This is called — you guessed it — gel time.

sanding a resin painting with wet dry sandpaper

Do you have to sand between layers?

No, provided your surface is clean. If there’s any dirt, grease or oils, you need to clean the resin before adding the next resin layer. Otherwise, it won’t stick.

What if I sand the resin before adding a new layer?

First of all, you don’t need to do that unless there’s a problem. Like you’ve got dimples or fish eyes in your resin.

Most important — make sure you end sanding with a 1000 grit or finer sandpaper. Otherwise, you’ll have frosted resin underneath your new resin layer.

Do you have to use the same resin for every layer?

Probably. I say it like that because I’ve played around with pouring different epoxy types for different layers and haven’t seen a problem.

But why poke the resin bear if you don’t have to? Use the same resin for all layers if you can.

So what do you say we walk through an example of how to layer resin?

Here’s how to layer resin to make jewelry.

mixing resin

Step 1: Mix resin.

Because this project uses a mold, you need to use a resin designed for molds. That ensures your resin cures hard, durable, and bubble-free. (Because no one wants fizzy, bendy jewelry.)

That means I’m using the Amazing Clear Cast super clear resin.

Step 2: Add to the mold.

Stream your clear epoxy into the mold.

moving resin around a mold

💡 Pro tip: Add less resin than you think you need. Pick up the mold and rotate it to cover the surface with resin. You want plenty of room to add more resin layers.

adding a sticker to the first epoxy resin layer

Here’s where you can add your stickers, beads, small amounts of glitter, or anything else. Don’t go overboard here, as you want to see the second layer through the first layer when demolding.

adding glitter to resin

💡 Pro tip: You don’t have to mix glitter into resin to make cool designs. If you sprinkle it on the surface, it will rest there.

Check your resin for bubbles before letting it cure.

Since these resin charms will have a different color for the second layer, you can let them completely cure.

first layer in resin molds

You should be pretty excited at this point, watching your designs come together.  😁

coloring resin blue and pearl

Step 3: Pour the second resin layer.

Mixing and pouring the second layer works just like doing the first layer, except now is when you can add more resin colors to accent your design in the first layer.

adding a second resin layer

And you’ll add it to the epoxy already in your mold.

Then check for bubbles before letting it cure.

resin molds and colored layers

Your molds should now look something like this.

Continue this for as many layers as you want to make.

Step 4: Demold

Pull your charms from the mold.

pink resin pendant

From the front, you’ll see something like this.

epoxy charm with resin layers

And from the side, you’ll see this.

And that bestie, is how you layer resin. 🎉

Here are the charms I made from this day of resin craftiness:

teardrop jewelry set

beads jewelry set

epoxy pendants

blue sparkles epoxy jewelry

flower epoxy jewelry set

smiley face jewelry set

green sparkles epoxy jewelry set

winter snowflake jewelry set

Want to learn more of the resin basics?


Then you want to get your copy of the ebook, Resin Fundamentals. Instead of doom-scrolling for hours trying to sort through tons of information, learn everything you need to know to about epoxy in only a couple of hours. Buy the PDF book now and get a download link in minutes.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

Like this post? You may be interested in  The EASY Way to Calculate How Much Resin Do I Need?

27 thoughts on “How To Layer Resin: Everything You Need To Know

  1. Wow! Thank you for this information. I’m new to resin and I’ve been leaving the question of how to avoid the layer line and until this I never got an explanation. Thank you for explaining this like I was a 5-year old. That’s my level of understanding at this point in my resin journey.

  2. Veeeeery new to resin here but can’t wait to start making things! I just want to read up as much as I can first 🙂
    So the layer with the charms you say to let cure then go back and do the glitter layer.. so does that mean do the charms half of a mold then go back a day or so later and fill the 2nd half of the mold with the glitter/colour resin mix? Or can it all be done in one sitting. Also need to learn how much patience to have with the craft 🤣

    1. Hi Becky, welcome to the world of resin! You’ll need to wait until the first layer is at least partially set (or all the way cured) before you pour the second layer. Otherwise, the two layers will mix together.

      1. OK reaaally stupid question again…how longs the best time to wait? 24 hours? Also do you have to do them seperate or can the glitter/coloured resin mix not so straight in with the charms?
        Also if I wanted to make something with a little shell sealed in it like a necklace do I need to do anything to the shell? Thankyou 😀

  3. What happens if you make your layers too thick? What is the ideal depth of a layer? I am using a skull mold and my first layer is 1 1/2 inches. Im worried I used too much. Its starting to gel after 45 minutes.

  4. Hello,
    I’m just wondering what the benefits are to this method of resin crafting versus using a resin that cures under a UV light which is a much, much quicker method. I’m a newbie at resin art, so I apologize if this is a question with a very obvious answer; It’s not obvious to me. lol

    Thank you for your time!

  5. Can you do a design with uv resin then top it with your epoxy resin? I understand the curing times etc but will the epoxy cure over the uv. I’ve read on your other post you can do uv on top of epoxy but I want to do the opposite (-:
    Thank you

  6. Hi there.
    New to this and wondered if I layer clear resin then cure it, then go on to add a few beads, can I draw on or write on that resin layer then follow with the top up layer on clear resin, to encapsulate it all within??

  7. Can I use that same process on a table? I did a layer with pictures etc. and I want to add just a couple more and sand down some parts that did not dry completely flat. How should I do this?

  8. How do you avoid your resin “beading” up on your first layer. When working with silicon molds, I’m having a hard time getting the resin to level when it’s a thin layer. It will form beads or droplets. I’m guessing it’s because silicone is nice and slick. I’ve tried warming the resin, and different types of resin, but it always beads up unless I fill the mold more than I want.

  9. I think this is what I needed. I’m doing a plaque and wanted gold resin in the recessed letters with black on top. As I recall the instruction video, she used a syringe to fill in the letters and wasn’t that careful because it would add to the look. And of course, I can’t find that video! I don’t remember about curing before adding the black.

    1. It’s always possible. Try using a new bottle, the correct mixing ratios and allow it to cure in the optimal temperature. Happy Crafting!

  10. I have a question.. I’m getting ready to start pouring. When we apply micro powder to areas in mold what else may be used? I don’t understand how how this works. Thank you!

    1. Hey there! There’s a couple of ways to color your resin, you can dust the mica powders directly onto the mold or mix it into the resin first then pour!

  11. Hi. i am wanting to create a river effect with a piece of wood that i am shaping into a walking stick. however the stick has a bow which has about a 70-80ml rise / fall. the length of the 25mm channel into is about 600mm long.

    any ideas how i can do this please will be welcomed.


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