How To Fix Sticky Resin and Save Your Project

How to fix sticky resinI don’t know that sticky anything is ever good. Okay, sticky notes. But other than that, I can’t think of much else good that’s sticky.

Including sticky resin.

Once you’re done with the swearing and crocodile tears, here are some ways how to fix sticky resin.

Scenario 1: The cured resin is sticky on the surface like tape.

Option 1. Recoat with another layer of well-mixed resin and hardener.

If your resin surface is only sticky in a few spots, you can fix sticky resin by coating it with another layer of mixed resin. You may need to build a tape dam around your piece or prepare to handle resin running over the edge.

This video shows how to apply a second layer of doming resin to a resin charm.

💡 Pro tip: While you can apply new resin to only the sticky spots, you will see a seam line between the old and new layers. For the best-looking results, you should recoat the entire surface.

Option 2.  Sand off the sticky resin.

If the entire surface is sticky, you sand the resin surface.  Sand with several grits of wet/dry sandpaper down to a solid surface that you can finish as desired.

Option 3. Coat with a spray.

Use a clear-drying acrylic spray to seal off the sticky areas.  Use it in light coats to fix the sticky resin.

Here’s the important part of this:

The sticky resin likely happened because you didn’t mix your resin thoroughly. You need to be sure to mix your resin kit well this time.

⭐️ BONUS: How do I know when my resin is mixed?

Scenario 2: The cured resin is gooey.

Unfortunately, you may find yourself asking, ‘How do I fix gooey resin?’

If you find your resin is gooey (somewhere between a liquid and solid), I’m afraid I don’t have good news for you. You will have to scrape the resin blob out before recoating with new resin.

Here are the five steps you need to take to fix gooey resin:

1.  Scrape out as much of the gooey resin as you can.

Be careful if using heat and solvents to remove the gooey resin. It may produce unsafe fumes.

💡 Pro tip: As tempting as it may be to recoat without removing the uncured resin, don’t! This resin can leak out later, making a huge mess and ruining your resin crafts.

2. If your surface has large craters or cracks after removing the sticky resin, you will have to mix more resin and use it to fix the voids.

Think of it like spackling and use it to fill in gaps. Make sure your resin is dry before moving on to the next step.

3. Sand the surface to get it even again.

All the gooey resin must be gone at this point because gooey resin does not sand well.  Like sanding slime.  Just.  Don’t.

⭐️ BONUS: How to sand resin.

4. Wipe clean the resin surface clean with denatured alcohol.

This removes resin dust.

5. Recoat with a new batch of mixed resin.

Give yourself a high-five because you just learned how to fix sticky resin.

Like this post? You may be interested in  The EASY Way to Calculate How Much Resin Do I Need?

Tired of creating with resin only to have it come out sticky, bendy, or full of bubbles?

I get it. It’s enough to make you think resin doesn’t work. It’s why I wrote the book Resin Fundamentals.  For less than the cost of a resin kit, you can buy the book and read it today. You’ll go from confused to confident with resin in an afternoon.


Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

57 thoughts on “How To Fix Sticky Resin and Save Your Project

  1. I made a light switch plate with polyester resin which unfortunately turned out very sticky and gooey on the unexposed side, even after 3 days. So I flipped it right side up out of the mold and left it in the sun all day. Problem solved! Now I know what to do next time this happens. Leave it in the mold and just let it sit in the sun.

    1. i’m trying this as we speak with earrings I’ve turned on a lathe. The funny thing is I dipped 6 pairs 4 dried perfect while 2 pair are still sticky after 2 days, so I put them in the sun. I hope it works

  2. samuel p belott Did leaving them in the sun work for you?? I have a frame that I poured a few months ago and one of the corners is still tacky. It’s not gooey but sticky like tape. I really am hesitant to try sanding it out because it is decorated with beach glass and shells and old jewelry. So it’s not an even surface underneath! Thanks for any help or suggestions!!

  3. Hello! Im doing coasters and love making them , but they all get stuck to the glass ? How can i avoid this from happening?
    Im selling them and feel ashamed when they tell me this happens to them🙈🥺

  4. Hi, I want to paint a design on a tray. I was thinking of using satin paint as a base colour then acrylic paints for the design before using resin to coat it. Do you think this would work please. I’m new to resin. Many thanks Lynn

  5. I made a set of geode coasters. They are sticky and bendy. Help! I mixed properly, and measured properly because I did something else with some of the resin I had left over. What can I do with them?

    1. Hi Tonya, it may be the resin you are using. In that case, there is nothing you can do to make them less bendy. Perhaps you can put a firm backing on them?

  6. I tried casting dice with silicon molds I made myself and the first attempt came out sticky, and the leftover resin I left to dry in a silicon mixing cup was sticky along the corners. I thought it was the mixing ratio to I popped them out, washed the molds and tried again, but again the dice are sticky and this time the leftover resin in the cup was completely hardened?? Both were in the same area to dry.

  7. hi i am new to resin, i have mixed on several occasions a batch of resin, measuring never judging. But every time the resin is either soft on some molds and sets in others. I have now purchased a new resin and exactly the same thing is happening. I live in Spain so the room is warm. I wondered if it is glitter or colours i am mixing in, I have looked into guide lines for measurements etc. Please help as spent a lot of money trying to get this to work and enjoy doing it, and want to sell some of my work.
    Could you also recommend a really good resin to use, i am now trying Resin pro
    Thank you

    1. Hi Jan, I’m sorry this is happening to you. Have you connected with the manufacturer for help? While we have resins in our store that would definitely work better for you, I’m afraid we cannot ship them to you in Spain.

    2. I’ve learned that if you’re using a heavy amount of alcohol ink for color then your piece/product might be soft (flexible) and take a little longer to cure or firm up. This too was a concern for me in the beginning and now I try to achieve the colors I desire with the least amount of ink drops inside. If I find I need a hefty amount of ink for coloring an item I know ahead it’s going to take longer than normal to firm up. I hope that helps to know. I know I was distressed about it initially.

  8. I’m having two different issues. The stickiness has been covered (thank you!), but my biggest problem is resin pour is causing paint to run. I am using acrylic paint on glass jars (pieces). The painting process usually runs approximately 1-2 months with several oven-drying times throughout. Just before completing with the resin, I bake the glass once more and cool 1-5 days. The resin runs are not throughout or uniform, just random spots. Thoughts?

  9. I just finished a resin sculpture and I’m having a problem with stickiness on one of the sides. I never had this problem with resin before, however it is my first sculpture. I read your suggestions regarding removing the sticky resin but there are beads and stones . Any other possible solutions?

  10. Perhaps after reading your wonderful blogs I should have bought resin from you,but wonder if you can answer a query. I have been sent 2 litres of epoxy resin but only 2 small bottles of hardener. No help from the manufacturer. Hard to understand why mix 1 to 1. Can you help please. ..?

    1. Hi Valerie, unfortunately, resin mixing ratios is not something I can guess at. My best advice is to continue to get in touch with the manufacturer for their specific directions.

  11. So I’m new to this all, but I was trying to make some key chains for friends but my resin was not curing at all, it was straight up goop. Im guessing I didn’t mix it well so I scratched the Keychain, but im having a really hard time cleaning the molds out. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to get sticky resin out without having to throw the molds out?

  12. Hi,I have made ceramic tile coasters with acrylic paint.I resin them,put I find they are sticky,project wad 2 myths ago.I baked coasters in stove for 7min.@200.Then put in the sun for 24 hrs.They are not sticky anymore but are still sticking to hot & cold glasses.Will the resin finish spray fix this problem?

  13. Hey there
    I’ve recently purchased a container of polyester resin and ofc I’m very clueless 😔
    So I thought it was the same as epoxy resin but no it isn’t lol
    So I wanted to know what do I need to cover my molds with while it’s curing so it doesn’t become sticky, how do I remove the smell from the product once it’s cured, and what can I use to mix the peoduct cause everything seems to be burning through the resin

    Thank you so much

  14. On #5 do you have examples where the resin has “leaked”.. I have a project that I am not sure what is going on.

    1. Unfortunately, I don’t. Basically, if the resin is semi-solid, you need to remove that material before applying another layer of resin.

  15. I have covered a acrylic picture with resin. But there were some small dents where the flowers were this has left these areas uneven. Should I sand them flat or just try a repour. In which case do I recover where the uneven bits are or fully repour all the painting. Do you have any ideas how to salvage painting as my son made it for me. There is no stickiness on the picture. It just has these areas of unevenness spoiling the shine. Thanks

  16. Hi,

    I own several epoxy resin dice from amazing makers. However, since a few days some of the sets seem to have un-hardened. In other words, the sets were fully hardened before, but since a few days they can be dented with my nails and one of the sets has this uncured smell. How can this happen? They were hard all through the heatwave here (33 degrees Celsius), but now it has cooled down and became moist, I can dent my epoxy resin dice.

  17. Thankyou for this information. You have answered my questions. It is great to refer to your information and be able to fix my resin work.

  18. Hi my resin is still sticky after two days, I can’t sand it as there are 3D pieces in so it will fall all apart. Can I pour another coat of resin now?

  19. I have a 6ftx6ft table I poured 1/8” resin on. One corner has a area about 3” wide x 10” long that is sticky “not gooey”. What are my options to fix this?

  20. I am doing a river table and the first colored coats turned out fine, the customer requested that no color be on the wood( which is pecky cypress) so I’m doing the rest in clear coat resin. I have poured the clear coat and it is now, sticky and tacky. Can I spray some sealer over these areas or do I need to recoat or sand then recoat? Or will this sealant work so I can continue the pours?

    1. Hi Rhonda, you’ll need to decide which of these scenarios you have (sticky vs gooey resin), then follow the instructions.

  21. I’m confused as to why you do not seem to anywhere explain the difference between laminating polyester resin (no wax) and finishing resin (with wax).

    And if course if no wax resin has been used, just spray or paint a mix of pva and water in the surfaces, leave for a while (overnight) and then wash off. The surface tackiness will be gone.

    I hope you at least know the reason is polyester will not completely cure unless the surface has no contact with air. The purpose of laminating resin is to allow repeatedly applying layers without having to physically key the surface again, even weeks to months later.

    My experience with resins, additives, polyester and epoxy is in the marine industry.

    You could also sell mekp squeeze bottles for faster and more accurate measurement, for those mixing polyester in decent volume.

  22. Hi, when I use pigment in my mold/resin, it never sets, it comes out sticky. The first time I thought I used too much, the 2n timeI used less and it still came out sticky. What can I do?

  23. I just poured a countertop but the last cup must not have been mixed well. Can I remove just the gooey parts and repour over an exotic pour that did harden?

  24. Hello, I have a project of photos that I am attempting to cover with resin. The resin is sticky, gooey and little crackling,
    Any Ideas?
    I really can’t scrape the resin off without harming the photos.

  25. Hello, I m deeply disheartened to report that I followed the directions to the letter on a pour over a large scale handpainted sign that was already clear coat sealed as well as given double the drying time and it immediately began showing milky streaks from rain. It is a marine resin meant for this use. It appears superficial and slightly shiny and after the glassy clear coat had cured perfectly. It s getting worse still on the 5th day. What should I try to repair it?

  26. Hi. My daughter spent months hand painting a 6 foot table used a coat of resin but only have dried properly. Other half was sticky and pitted. After a month or so and research she mixed very carefully and applied another coat but this did not fix the problem. I actually think it’s worse. Is there any hope in saving this project?? She is heartbroken.

  27. Hi. I have done some resin pouring for Christmas presents and it has gone all wrinkly and sticky. Everything is measured equally and mixed well. I leave it to stand for about 5 minutes to get less bubbles. I then put heat on it with any remaining bubbles. This is a clear mixture as the final layer. What am I doing wrong and how can I save my pressies. Thank you

  28. Hi, I’ve completed the pouring of Gedeo Bio-Based Crystal Resin, and it has dried beautifully. However, the back is still a bit sticky. How can I remove the stickiness without using denatured alcohol and UV resin? Unfortunately, I can’t use denatured alcohol due to an allergy.

    Thank you!

    1. If the back of your resin piece is still sticky, there are a few alternative methods you can try to remove the stickiness without using denatured alcohol or UV resin:

      Cornstarch or Baby Powder Method: Lightly dust the sticky areas with cornstarch or baby powder. Rub it in gently with your fingers, then wipe off any excess with a soft cloth. This can help absorb some of the tackiness.

      Re-coat with Resin: You can apply another thin layer of resin over the sticky areas. Sometimes, the sticky layer is due to improper curing, and a fresh coat can seal it in and allow the piece to fully harden.

      Sand and Polish: Sand the sticky back lightly using fine-grit sandpaper (around 400-600 grit). Once smooth, you can polish the area with a soft cloth and a bit of polish, or if you prefer a matte finish, simply sand it to remove the stickiness.

      Baking Soda Paste: Create a gentle paste with baking soda and water. Rub this over the sticky areas and then rinse it off. This mild abrasive can help reduce the tacky feel without damaging your resin.

      These methods should help you achieve a smooth, non-sticky surface without needing denatured alcohol. Let me know which one works best for you!

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